Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Bee Box

In this small box, my love,
you'll not find a ring,
but instead, a brave, little bee.
He'll be dead by morn, having given his life
defending his flowers against me.
I felt his sting
while picking the small, purple pansies
growing wild along the roadside,
in hopes of an afternoon bouquet for you.
And I grieved the sting,
more for him than me,
knowing full well the price he paid
for my small pain.
And I allowed him his victory,
leaving his flowers as a memory,
and brought you instead
this brave, little bee,
who proves there is love
even in the smallest
of things.

-- Lowell Parker

Once again, a poem in the mail has forced me to revive my blog. Nothing I can say can really add to this. I just wanted to put it up there for you all to read.

Life at my end has been great. Summer has brought with it some amazing weekends and some interesting changes. :) Unfortunately, winter will be coming soon but I do have my India trip and snowboarding to look forward to.