Thursday, August 25, 2005


He was born in 1924 in a small town in India. He worked hard to get the advantages of a good education and all the opportunities which come with it. He went to college and studied Physics. He completed his Ph. D at the Indian Institute of Science. He worked at the BARC for a few years and soon became a senior researcher. Back then there were 2 computers in the world – one of them at the Pennsylvania State University. A professor at Penn State noticed the raw talent in this young researcher from India and invited him over to the US. He flew with his wife across the world on a plane which had to re-fuel every 2 hours. He researched and taught at the Pennsylvania State University. He came back to India for a while and then returned to Penn State. He taught there until he retired.

He is now 80. I spent a weekend with him and his wife 8 months back. He took me to his lab and showed me his research. Some optical instruments, some sliced rocks, many things I couldn’t recognize.

I met him today. He and his wife had just come through a harrowing 12 hour drive. Their car had broken down on the way. They tried to fix it at a mechanic’s shop but couldn’t. They had to resort to renting a car and driving it the rest of the way. I was glad to meet him after so long. I said hello and shook his hand.

Later on in the evening, we were talking. There were a number of people all around. I slowly realized that he did not recognize me. His wife told me that he was slowly but surely losing his memory and that he got confused in a crowd. He quietly listened to her. He must have been embarrassed but he didn’t show it. He told me about how life changes once you get old and how hard it is to cope with things no longer being the same.

He is a grand old man I have grown to love. At the end of my days, I will be glad if I have even a semblance of his dignity. I wish that my mind continues to be the captain of its sinking ship.


Blogger Golu said...

Duh very nicely written! Seriously!

It is quite sad that many sharp people really end up in such a manner. Well it obviously is not restricted to smart ppl but you (Atleast I do) tend to feel sad for ppl who have been known to smart and end up at a stage where they can't remember what they said 10 min ago. There ARE cases like that. Old age can be scary.

But luckily for me I am dying at the age of 33.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one Duh! i was waiting for an entry of this sort after that story of your 'inebriated haze'!

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Id love to meet this man and talk to him. :)

Golu...If by 32 u are still a virgin I will completely sponsor a trip to Vegas and a bunch of hookers for u! Thats the least I can do for u my friend! :P

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post d-uh. Would the person be someone I might know (er, I mean, someone I've heard of....I'm not *that* ancient!)

6:02 AM  
Blogger Karthik said...


No, the person isn't someone any of you know.


How did hookers enter the picture :P


11:42 AM  

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